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WooCommerce Eu Vat & B2B

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The WooCommerce Eu Vat & B2B (WCEV) seamlessly integrates an additional EU Vat Number Field into your WooCommerce platform. It will be dynamically shown during the checkout process only if the selected billing country is part of the European Union. The plugin also offers several other options, like a way to validate the field, make it as mandatory or to remove the Taxes if a valid Vat number has been entered. Optionally you make the registration process available only for business (B2B) with a valid Vat number!

Note: The plugin, like WordPress, requires a minimum 5.5 PHP version.

(Shop admin account)
user: demo
pass: demo

(customer account)
user: demo2
pass: demo



WCEV extends WooCommerce adding an EU Vat Number Field that will be dynamically shown during the checkout process and the user profile page (billing address) only if the selected billing country is part of the European Union. The Shop Admin can also make it compulsory and optionally
validate it (the plugin uses the VIES function or simply check if it has a valid format ). It also allows you to not charge the users that enter a Vat number.


By accessing to the WooCommerce -> EU Vat Field – Options you can configure the plugin options. You can, for example, disable the required option or show the Require invoice voice by which the customer
can request an invoice. Furthermore, once enabled this option, you can also make the field visible only if the users requests an invoice.

Vat validation

The Vat number can be validated using the VIES function. In case the validation fails, the plugin will not allow the checkout to be completed and it
will show a validation warning message (customizable using the Texts menu).

Validation can be also performed by just checking if the Vat number has a valid format.

Don’t bother your users with unusefull checkout fields!

Why ask your customers for Company name and Vat if they are just consumers? WCEV allows you to not bother them! :)

Using the following options:

  1. Request an invoice: to display the Vat field only if the user requests an invoice.
  2. Consumer/Business selector to dynamically display the Company name and Vat fields only if the customer identifies himself as a Business.

Tax exemption

The WCEV plugin will also allow you to not charge the Vat taxes for users that have inserted a Vat Number. Tax exemption can be applied to all users with a Vat Number (and optionally even for the ones who have the same billing country as the shop base location: WooCommerce -> Settings -> General -> Base Location).

Tax removal will take effect Shop, Product, Cart and Checkout pages. Once a valid Vat Number has been entered on Checkout, My account -> Billing addresses or Registration pages, item prices, and totals will show and billed without taxes.

Business-to-Business (B2B) made easy!

The shop admin can also make the Billing company name field as required! So optionally using this option in conjunction with the VIES Vat validation method and the enabling Tax removal option, shop admin can easily make business to business (b2b) sales.

NEW: the new Register page – Only business can register option will now allow only valid businesses to register in your store! The entered Vat number will be validated according to the validation options selected and to the selected billing country
and if not valid, the user will not be able to register!

Vat number uniqueness check

Optionally the plugin can perform a uniqueness check in order to avoid that different user using the same Vat number.

Label and Text (WPML Localizable)

Field label, placeholder and validation error message can be customized using the Text menu. For WMPL users, text can be localized by just switching the current language using the WPML language selector and then entering texts for the current language.

Frontend integration

WCEV seamlessly integrates the EU Vat Field in the Checkout, My Account, Order details pages and in the Order emails. No configuration required!

Backend integration

WCEV seamlessly integrates the EU Vat Field also in the backend. The shop admin can retrieve Vat number information and if the user requested an invoice, from the Order details and Orders list pages:

Support to Italy “Fatturazione Elettronica”

In the case of Italy country selection, the plugin will also show the SDI/Pec field that allows the customer to enter its SDI code/Pec address. The shop admin can customize label, description and validation messages displayed!

Note on validation: the plugin will only check that the email has a right format or that the SDI code is an alphanumeric code of 7 char length.

Are you a WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips user?

If you are using the WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips by Wp Overnight plugin to generate invoices and you want to report the user Vat number associated to the order, simply modify the template you are using (usually is the templates/Simple/invoice.php)
and use the following snippet of code:

< ?php 
global $wcev_order_model; 
$vat_number = $wcev_order_model->get_vat_number($order_id);
? >

To retrieve the Vat number. $order_id is the id of the order you want to retrieve the field.

Are you a WooCommerce Print Invoices & Packing Lists user?

If you are using the WooCommerce Print Invoices & Packing Listss by SkyVerge plugin to generate invoices and you want to report the user Vat number associated to the order, simply modify the template part in which you want to display it (templates are located in: templates/pip)
and use the following snippet of code:

< ?php 
global $wcev_order_model; 
$vat_number = $wcev_order_model->get_vat_number($this->order_number());
? >

To retrieve the Vat number. $order_id is the id of the order you want to retrieve the field.

For example if you want to display it among the User details, edit the templates/pip/content/order-table-after.php file. On line 98 you will find a section called Customer Details . Inside the ul (After line 91) you can add something like:

< ?php 
global $wcev_order_model; 
$vat_number = $wcev_order_model->get_vat_number($this->order_number());
? >
<li class=""><?php echo '<strong>Vat Number</strong> '. $vat_number ; ?></li>


The plugin is designed to work with default checkout forms. Adding or removing custom fields using any plugin or using a custom checkout templates (for example some themes may be implementing multi step checkout) may cause the plugin to not work.


Frontend integration – Checkout


Frontend integration – Billing details page (with the “request invoice” option enabled)


Frontend integration – Order details page


Email integration


Backend integration – Order details page



Backend integration – Orders list page


User profile page (Admin)



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