Amun-Bootstrap 4 Admin Template
Amun is a responsive Bootstrap 3.3.6 Admin Template. It provides you with a vast collection of ready to use code snippets and utilities many custom pages and a collection of applications and widgets
- 8 built-in Color Skins And You Can Add Your Own
- Light/Dark Sidebar Themes
- Free Landing Pages For Your Website
- Multiple Layout
- Responsive layout
- Live Skin Customizer
- Loading progress bar
- Hundreds of UI Components
- Dozens of Widgets
- Hundreds of Utility Classes
- Font Icons(font-awesome, glyphicons, material design icons)
- HTML5 & CSS3 13 .Bootstrap 3.3.6 Framework 14 .Sass for CSS preprocessing (compiled CSS included)
- Grunt Tasks Manager
- Bower Dependency Management
- Clean and Friendly Code
- Dashboard
- Dashboard 1
- Dashboard 2
- Dashboard 3
- Front End Part (Landing Page)
- Layouts
- Default
- Topbar
- UI Kit
- Buttons
- Alerts
- Panels
- Lists
- cons
- Media
- Widgets
- Tabs Accordions
- Progress
- Mail Box
- Inbox
- Compose
- Search
- Web Results
- Images Results
- Videos Results
- User Results
- Pages
- Profile
- Prices
- Invoice
- Gallery
- Gallery 2
- Forms
- Form Layouts
- Form Elements
- Customized Elements
- Form Plugins
- File Upload
- DateTime Pickers
- Editors
- Tables
- Basic Tables
- DataTables
- Flot Charts
- Bar charts
- Pie charts
- Line charts
- Map charts
- Scatter charts
- Custom charts
- Maps
- Google Maps
- Vector Maps
- Apps
- MailBox App
- Calendar App
- Contacts App
- Tasks Widget
- Extras
- Login
- Sign Up
- Reset Password
- Unlock Screen
- 404 Error
- Documentation
- Settings
- Chart Plugins
- Flot (bar, pie, line)
- Echarts (bar, pie, line, map, …)
- Sparkline
- jquery-circle-progress
Useful plugins
- animate.css
- counterup
- DataTables
- fullcalendar
- select2
- jquery-knob
- summernote Editor
- lightbox2
- switchery
- dropzone
- bootstrap datepicker
- bootstrap daterangepicker
- bootstrap filestyle
- bootstrap maxlength
- bootstrap select
- bootstrap tagsinput
- bootstrap timepicker
- bootstrap touchspin
- bootstrap datetimepicker